The Senior Citizens Home

An oasis for the deserted at the eve of thier life. The Senior Citizens Home was opened in 1994 in response to increasing local requests. The Home was initially meant to accommodate 25 senior citizens. The numbers kept increasing year by year as there were so many needy persons who were too long on the waiting list. Today it is a home for a maximum of 40 homeless and destitute senior citizens who have no alternative source of care and who cannot afford to stay in a conventional, fee-paying home.

All are from poor, rural families. Some have no family to look after them, either because they never married or because they were married very young and became child widows. Others only have married daughters who are unable or unwilling to keep them in the family past a certain age. A few were simply abandoned because they had become too much of a burden for a poor, struggling family. Requests are made by relatives, neighbours or social workers.  The Senior Citizens live in a homely environment and are cared for by a dedicated team of friendly workers who refer to them as “Grandma” and “Grandpa”. Older children visit and interact with the senior citizens and occasionally all the children hold prayers there or provide entertainment. They have someone to call ‘Grandma’ and ‘Grandpa’. This connection helps both the children and the senior citizens to see themselves as part of an extended family.